Quick Reference ADMIN displays information about a server AWAY leaves a message saying you're not paying attention CHANNEL joins a particular channel CLEAR clears the channel window CTCP performs certain client specific actions DATE shows server current date and time DCC handles direct connections to remote clients DESCRIBE sends anything about you to a person or channel DNS translates between IP addresses and DNS Names IGNORE removes output from specific people (not yet supported) INVITE invitate another user to join a channel - operator only parameters: [] use * or nothing for current channel JOIN joins a particular channel parameters: [-invite|[] use -invite to join the last channel you were invited to KICK removes someone from the channel Ops only LEAVE leave a channel use * for current channel LIST lists channels, number of users, topic Use the List Channels menu item in the File menu for best result MODE changes channel mode MOTD displays the server message-of-the-day MSG sends a private message NICK changes your nickname NOTICE sends a private message NOTIFY informs you of people logging in or out IRC You can add users to the notify list by dragging users or text from the channel to the list. use /notify or /notify + to add a nick. use /notify -nick, drag it to the trash or press delete to remove a nick from the list PART leave a channel use * for current channel QUERY starts a private conversation QUIT exits your IRC session STATS shows some irc server usage statistics TIME shows server current date and time TOPIC changes the topic of the channel TRACE shows the server connections of the given machine USERS prints users logged on the server machine VERSION shows client and server version number WHO gives a listing of users. Wildcards are supported. Output goes to console window. [-switch[]] [] switch can be "OPERATORS", "LUSERS", "CHOPS", "HOST", "HERE", "AWAY", "SERVER", "NAME, "NICK" /WHO *.dk will return a list of all Danish users. If the user has a "+i" (invisible) flag set, he/she will not be listed. WHOIS displays information about a particular nick WHOWAS displays information about someone who just left